NOVUS Compliance PIT

SEBI PIT Regulations Software

NOVUS Compliance is a mobile & web-enabled multi-scrip and multi-asset class solution for end to end tracking and managing employees’ investments and holdings, to ensure compliance as per SEBI‘s Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations & UPSI.

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TRUSTED by 30+ Institutions with over 15K users including 9 large mutual funds, 3 life insurance companies, 11 broking houses, 3 merchant banks and 2 investment banking companies and 1 rating agency.

Enables automated seamless system integrations across varied platforms, networks, systems, APIs etc.

Extracts & transforms data from complex data sources.

Performs automated reconciliations, bank transfers & cash flow activities
Automated reporting to stakeholders and reverse integrations with systems

Manage compliance & risk stress-free

P.I.T. for complex multi-scrip management

Regulatory (NPAs and Exposure) reporting with built-in regulatory workflows

Top Clients

Solution Flow Diagram

Business Benefits

Complete visibility over employee investment requests & reporting

Automated trade request approvals/rejections based on preset rules

Control over UPSI & SDD

Automatic reminders for periodic submissions

Easy access to employee profile, request, reporting and defaulter list

Key Product Features

Self Declarations
Initial holding uploads
Dependent declarations
Automated and assisted submissions
Submission calendar

Suggested Case Study

See how Infomatics Trillium® enables accurate visibility of Cash Position and Control Liquidity across an Organisation

Monitor and approve transactions
Control defaulter transactions
Define blackout periods

Suggested Case Study

See how Infomatics Trillium® enables accurate visibility of Cash Position and Control Liquidity across an Organisation

Define category-based approval workflow
Define submission policies
Enable automatic and manual approvals

Suggested Case Study

See how Infomatics Trillium® enables accurate visibility of Cash Position and Control Liquidity across an Organisation

Automated grey list integration
Manual setup of restricted & intention list

Suggested Case Study

See how Infomatics Trillium® enables accurate visibility of Cash Position and Control Liquidity across an Organisation

UPSI disclosure & Structured Digital Database (SDD)
Auto restrict UPSI security
UPSI Annexure submission

Suggested Case Study

See how Infomatics Trillium® enables accurate visibility of Cash Position and Control Liquidity across an Organisation

Define system driven alerts
Approval notifications
Policy updates via email

Suggested Case Study

See how Infomatics Trillium® enables accurate visibility of Cash Position and Control Liquidity across an Organisation

Trusted By


installations with over 15,000+ users


Large Mutual Funds


Life Insurance Companies


Broking Houses


Merchant Banks


Advisory Firms

A range of solutions for all compliance requirements within BFSI


Starting at
₹ 1.5 Lakhs one time + 20% AMC /Year + Taxes
  • Ideal for listed companies with limited Key Managerial Persons
  • Compliant with SEBI SDD requirements
  • Download and ready to use
  • On premise installation
Book a Demo

P.I.T Lite

Starting at
₹ 5 Lakhs one time + 20% AMC /Year + Taxes
  • Ideal for PMF/AIF with less than 50-60 employees
  • Compliant with SEBI SDD requirements
  • Trade approval and reporting features
  • Supports all asset classes
  • Grey list management
Book a Demo

P.I.T Full Suite

Starting at
₹ 12 Lakhs one time + 20% AMC /Year + Taxes
  • Ideal for MFs and Banks
  • Compliant with SEBI SDD requirements
  • Ready integration with Registrars and Brokers
  • 20% Key compensation
  • SSO and Active Directory Integration
Book a Demo


Who is considered an insider in insider trading?

An insider in the context of insider trading refers to someone who has access to confidential, non-public information about a company.

Insiders are typically individuals who have a close relationship with the company and its operations,giving them insights that the public doesn't have.

Examples of Insiders often include:

  • Top-level executives like CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and other senior management who have access to crucial financial and strategic information.
  • Board members who have insights into the company's overall direction, decisions, and performance.
  • Employees who might have access to sensitive information, such as financial results, upcoming product launches, mergers, acquisitions, or other important business developments.
  • Business partners who work closely with the company, such as suppliers, consultants, or contractors, may have access to valuable information.
  • Major shareholder who holds a significant stake in the company and might have access to inside information through their ownership positions or involvement in the company's decision-making.
How to reduce the risk of insider trading?

For Companies:

  • Educate employees about insider trading and enforce clear policies.
  • Maintain restricted lists and pre-clearance procedures for trading.
  • Implement blackout periods around major events.
  • Limit access to sensitive information and protect whistle-blowers.

For Individuals:

  • Understand insider trading laws and only trade based on public information.
  • Follow company policies, including pre-clearance and blackout periods.
  • Avoid discussing non-public information with others.

For Regulatory Bodies:

  • Strengthen penalties and enhance detection methods for insider trading.
  • Educate the public, investors, and companies about the consequences.
  • Use technology to monitor trading patterns and cooperate with others to prevent insider trading.
What measures has SEBI taken to prevent insider trading?
  • Regulations: SEBI has established clear regulations against insider trading. The SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, provide a comprehensive framework to prevent and regulate insider trading activities.
  • Code of Conduct: Companies must have a Code of Conduct for insiders, outlining trading restrictions.
  • Disclosure: Companies must report insider trades promptly to SEBI.
  • Trading Window: Insiders can only trade during specified open windows.
  • Pre-Clearance: Insiders are required to obtain pre-clearance from the compliance officer before executing any trades.
  • Penalties: SEBI has the authority to impose substantial penalties and legal action against those found guilty of insider trading.
  • Surveillance: SEBI conducts surveillance of trading activities to identify unusual patterns that may indicate insider trading.
  • Awareness: SEBI educates about insider trading risks.
  • Market Monitoring: Advanced tech helps identify unusual activities.
What are the consequences of insider trading?

Insider trading is punishable u/s 15G of the SEBI Act, 1992. The penalty is as follows:

An insider shall be liable to a penalty which shall not be less than ` 10 lakhs but which may extend to ` 25 Crores or 3 times the profits out of insider trading, whichever is higher.

Is insider trading legal?

Essentially, insider trading involves trading in a public company's stock by someone with non-public, material information about that stock. Insider trading is illegal, but if an insider trades their holdings and reports it properly, it is an insider transaction, which is legal.

What are the limitations or restrictions on authorized persons investing in company securities?

Designated Individuals and their next of kin are banned from contacting directly or indirectly with any person or granting any access at any time, except for the pursuit of 'legitimate goals, the execution of obligations, or compliance with legal obligations.

Insider trading by a designated person or their close associates is forbidden at all times.

According to SEBI laws, a Designated Person who buys or sells any number of the company's stocks may not engage in a contrary transaction within six months of the date


What is Trading?
Who is an Insider?
What is UPSI (Unpublished Price Sensitive Information)

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